Our lives are made up of scars underscored by good intentions. My writers’ group had a short discussion on doing the right thing the other day. And if you know me, you know that I have difficulty distinguishing how other people determine the difference between right or wrong. If you …


We built a living room fort last rainy weekend and like any perfect fort, there were rules. Rule One: No Adulting. Rule Two: Only two dogs allowed in the fort at one time. Rule Three: Grab a cocktail, snuggle in, turn on a movie. Rule Four: No Boys allowed. Seriously! …


It’s a Polish tradition in our family to eat ham, fresh kielbasa, smoked kielbasa, kraut, fresh bread, and perogies, because who needs a vegetable, every Easter. Being fairly new to this town, the only kielbasa I’ve found was some local farmer packaged meat in the grocery store (it’s okay) and …


The Spring Equinox occurred this past week like clockwork and I’m telling you right now, I am not picking up what that nasty old hag is laying down. Mother Nature is crazy and I’m not listening to her nonsense any longer. Warm. Cold. Windy. Warm. Cold. Make a decision, Lady! …


Every time I open the fridge, I’m hit with a wicked stench. I grab what I need, and quickly close the door singing Lynyrd Skynyrd. Because let’s be honest, he didn’t know what that smell was either. After a week of odor wafting through my nostrils whenever I grabbed my …


After twenty-eight years, I’ve often contemplated the idea, I don’t know who I am without you. It sounds a bit extreme, yes, but think about this a moment. When we cohabitate with another over a long period of time, the lines become blurred. Memories mix. Was it your dog that …


Maybe next Year!!! I have heard and said these words for the past forty-six years—and here I am saying it again. Ugh! Being a Lions fan is tough. For the most part, we expect a loss, but hope for a win. When we lose, like I said, we expected it. …


Every Christmas, for approximately four nights, I sleep with Dart. I enter the room and the scaley little guy looks up at me. His twitchy rotating eye balls watch me unpack my luggage. His eyes follow me around the room with what I think is…Interest? Confusion? Anxiety? I’m not sure. …


Aah, The Holidays! What a splendid time of the year. Bah! And, I don’t need to live in a Christmas Carol to add—Humbug! The Grinch’s heart didn’t grow three sizes that day. It was merely an illusion. He didn’t attend the feasting of the beasts. Instead, he started exercising by …


Do you remember the meme when fall first arrived? You know…that meme? There were quite a few, but all had the same message. The pics or gifs or pdfs or whatever we call them nowadays, shows a picture of an oak or maple with half of the tree still holding …

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