There’s something I need to get off my chest because of what was on another woman’s chest at the grocery store yesterday. This already sounds like it’s going somewhere it shouldn’t, doesn’t it? To be clear, and to take those awkward ideas that seem to be swirling in your head …


One of the most ridiculous memes I recently read on social media, and there’s a lot of them, was a picture of a pizza box, with the front flap reading, “Open Box Before Eating Pizza.” Which, by the way, is a complete contrast to the coolest bumper sticker I’ve ever …


Now that the nineteen inches of accumulated snow is starting to melt, you may think I have nothing to complain about any longer. Well, you’d be wrong. You may or may not know this, but I have two dogs. One about fifty pounds and the other around seventy. These dogs …


I hate snow! As I was scrolling through social media the same morning that seven inches of heavy packing snow lay on the ground outside, there she was… A California friend of mine posed for a selfie with her husband. The background displayed four inches of snow on top of …


 I have the honor and privilege of being the halfway point for my good friend’s daughter. Whenever she travels back and forth from University to Home, she stops here for an evening. We provide her a good wholesome dinner, usually pasta, because people her age can still eat all that …


I figured out how to fix our country! It’s simple, really. Twenty-foot Skeletons! It’s genius. Yes, you read that correct. 20ft skeletons in the front yard of every American household. And I’m not talking about a Halloween prop. This is a year-round magical experience for everyone in the neighborhood to …


Twelve months ago, to the day, we were allowed to have a shot and a beer at the bar. Now, we wear Halloween masks on a daily basis. We buy hand sanitizer by the gallon. Is that just me? Many of us who work with the public, strip our clothes …


I wrote a series of books a few years ago that no one wanted to read. Don’t fret. My internal therapist told me to get over it. It’s on ongoing process; though an occasional tear still falls. Apparently, that’s what happens when you put all your effort into something with …


In case you’ve been living on Uranus for the past year, you are well aware of this pandemic virus breakout thinga-ma-doogie (it’s a technical term); and how a bunch of drunk parents are teaching their kids the old way of solving math problems. Genius! Are you aware of the old …


Thanksgiving. Why bother? In a normal year, not 2020 full of forthcoming vision and all its previously delightful expectations, families came together once a year to complain about politics and the weather while sampling appetizers and other delectables. After some small talk and how you been’s, everyone takes turns thanking …

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