I was three glasses of wine in when the fraud department called. It’s no surprise that I’m a smoker. I have been a smoker since a wee-young age, when my mom told me not to, but my older cool friends provided the proper peer pressure. “Just do it. You’ll be …


My beloved Beatrice spent fourteen years of life with me. I miss her…kinda. She was just a baby when we met. Straight off the line with only six miles to her name. After a short stint of traveling back and forth from home to work to parties to softball fields …


We were moving out of state. All the signs were in place. The machine started its engine and cogs gained momentum. Dragonflies emerged from watery depths and followed us as though they were tethered to our shoulders. (Many cultures consider the presence of a dragonfly to represent change or transformation.) …


Over the weekend, I attended a social distancing graduation party. And by social distancing, I mean that I sat behind a six-foot folding table that separated me from everyone else. People are dirty. Seriously. While sitting like a social hermit on the other side of the garage, I attempted to …


What if everyday of your life costs you one dollar? This is an interesting concept that a very dear friend of mine created (or so he’s made me believe) and I would like to share it with you today. The four of us sat sipping wine one evening listening to …


A good friend called me over the weekend with genuine concern in his voice. And being you don’t know my friend, I’ll tell you, he rarely shows this vulnerable side. He asked, “There’s so much anger all around us, what can we do? What can you and I do to …


The neighbor girl asked my favorite color…which made me realize something important about myself that I would like to share with you. If you could take just a moment and glance at the image above, you may be reminded of a friend, a coworker, a family member, or, frankly, yourself. …


Everything is weird now a days. Agreed? This past weekend, we went to our local green house to purchase flowers for our outdoor pots and various vegetables for my garden. And since it’s now illegal to show our faces in public, I wore my government approved lady-from-work, hand-sewn red bandanna …


How are those honey-do-lists coming along? A few weeks ago, when the human-world paused and mother nature took a deep breath of relief, I made a list of projects to complete. Of my fully filled college ruled paper page, I have scratched off two items. One being vacuuming behind and …


It’s time to be honest—This is no time to start working on that procrastination issue I’ve been dealing with my whole life. You see, I was born three weeks late, which means procrastination is ingrained in my DNA. Honestly, not too much has changed in my life over the last …

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