While I was partying like it was 1999, drinking frozen daquiris, and basking in the warm Florida sun, a demon escaped from its volcanic-rock prison in Japan around the 5th of March.

Don’t take my word for it, use your search engine and type the key words—Killing Stone.

Now, you may ask, What the hell are you babbling about this time? Well, I’m about to save the world and with the sacred information I’m about to tell you, you too may have a chance at being saved. Stick with me; I’m taking you on an adventure.

Here’s a super quick mythology lesson…A nine tailed fox, also known as a Kitsune, took its unnatural, shape-shifting abilities to a new level and transformed into a beautiful woman named Tamamo-no-Mae who attempted an overthrow of empires. Over a hundred plus years or so, she destroyed many kingdoms, pretended to die, then came back in another hot-chick body and overthrew more until some brave warrior figured out the whole scheme and killed her.

How did he kill her? Not sure.

But then, somehow this brave warrior trapped her in a rock, and myth states anyone who touches the rock will have bad luck, including death. Whoopsie!

How? Not sure. I wasn’t there. But I can’t help but wonder, if a three-thousand-year-old demon escaped in Japan, wouldn’t it make sense that a gang of demons are plotting something amazing—at least in demon terms—around the world.

For instance, there is a so-called brick mail box around the block from my house that had toppled over about a month ago. I call the mailbox “so-called” because, well, is it a disguise like the Killing Stone? Anyway, every time I walk past it with the dogs, one, they both avoid it, and two, I can’t help but wonder what the hell happened to this five-foot brick and mortar creation and why it fell to its demise.

Did Lucifer need a vacation?

Was it a chemical or mythological phenomenon?

So, somehow in the same time frame, we’ve got a demon running rampant in Asia, and it just so happens that the mailbox exploded and toppled over in the middle of the night in the Midwest.

Coincidence? Maybe.

So once again, you may ask, Seriously, what the hell are you babbling about?

In a nutshell, I recommend following your gut, or your intuition, or your instincts. If an odd-vibed boulder breaks open in front of you, run the other way. Don’t stick around to take a photo or video it for social media. Just run, or at least briskly walk. Also, if a world war started, on or near the same time a demon broke out of its prison, I’d suggest doing your own thing. If you’re a drinker, buy more bourbon. If you enjoy a good book, buy twelve. Have a pool? Go swimming.

This knowledge is sacred, because the bottom line is, do what you love. No one gets out of here alive—unless you’re a recently escaped demon. Then, that’s a whole new ball game.

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