I just finished another trip around the sun and, yes, I’m still kickin’. It’ll take a lot more than figuring out how to circle the sun perched on a flat disc spinning on some kind of axis to take this old gal down.

For those of you new to my very serious in-depth thoughts about life blog, let me fill you in. I moved to the east coast almost three years ago now. Wow, how time flies. Must be old age setting in. Anyway, we lived in a hotel when we first arrived. Finding a new house wasn’t the easiest task at that point and we lived in temporary housing longer than I would have preferred. Regardless, something amazing happened. I met a group of wonderful people working an expatriation from Malasia.

This young group of smart business people pooled their money together and made me authentic dishes I hadn’t tried and actually, never heard of before. It was glorious and they were a wonderful group to share in my birthday celebration in the hotel’s outdoor patio area.

Fast forward two years and boom, it seems people still like hanging out with me. Okay, to be honest, my nephew’s baseball tournament happened to fall on my birthday weekend. But everyone needs a reason for a mini-vacation and a party, right?

My “sister-in-law” and her family drove east as the Atlantic Ocean churned waves in anticipation for our arrival. Those churning waves matched my internal water ways. I’m a water sign and have to feel the ebbs and flows of natural salt water at least once a year or bad things happen.

Remember when my head exploded back in 1998? Phew! Glad I got that thing on crooked again.

As soon as I parked the car in the hotel ‘s lot, my internal navigation system directed me toward the shore. I wanted to go full-monty in the ocean. Turns out, it was not a nude beach; so, bummer there. Instead, I kept on my clothes, closed my eyes, and let the salt water wash my issues away. Of course, Mai Tai’s and margaritas take issues away as well, just not the next morning. The day after the birthday celebration was a fun-filled day of watching baseball games in 90+ degree heat and slightly surviving [insert minor phlegm clearing here] dehydration.

The good part, despite the dehydration and cramping intestines is, I still look fabulous and fool others about my age. Thanks Gramma. All in all, I’m so grateful for family and friends who could be doing a whole bunch of other things, but instead, spent their time with me on my birthday.

Cheers! And Thank you!

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