The Oscars were on last night and I found myself pacing. “What is your problem?” she asked after the fourth lap around the first floor. Finally, I sat down and realized what my problem was; I wanted to be there. And by there, I don’t mean necessarily dressing up to …


Over the course of my life, I have learned that giving gifts shouldn’t reflect your personal choices or wants, but more so of what the recipient would endear. And in this particular case, and for the first time, I left all my tangled feelings on the outside steps of a …


How do we think outside the box? I’ve come up with some pretty good ideas that I believe you’ll enjoy. Boxes are made of various materials, which can include cardboard, wood, plastic, composite, safe deposit, Post Office, seats, electrical… Ha! I could do this all day.  Different sports require different …


The small logs were aflame for ambiance rather than heat as they flickered in the makeshift stone pit. Body heat blazed between us as we sat alone in the dark forest, listening to crickets chirp, the moaning sounds of cicadas quieting into silence.  Sitting cross-legged on pine needles, I picked …


Once again, it is a snowy day here in the Midwest and some of us aren’t too happy about it. Sure, kids and teachers get a day off. Whoopie. Snow-plowing county workers are probably starting out the week with overtime pay. Yee Haw. Tobogganing is at its peak. Fra La …


I didn’t want to go to work today. An anxiety built up and churned in my gut, as if I limped in a long line of shackled prisoners, tied together, awaiting the inevitable. Medieval torture with spiked maces and public flogging. Spectators pointing and laughing at my vulnerability. Why? Why …

SNOW IS *&^%$%&

Snow is stupid. It’s a dumb precipitation. Bla, bla, bla, it’s the cycle of life, putting water in the soil or something I learned in seventh grade ecology. But I don’t buy it. It’s cold and cold and cold. If, by chance, you live in a warm climate, you have …


An hour and a half of my week was spent at the local food pantry last summer. There, I volunteered as a personal shopper helping hungry persons shop for donated groceries. The customers waited in long lines, filling a small space full of plastic seats, similar to the DMV. One …


And There’s A Day After That Too! And Tomorrow is Another Day… I’m Pretty Sure. Have you read any of those Daily Affirmation calendars to stay happy, focused, and grateful? Spent hours reading books about the Law of Attraction? Studied meditation for a clear mind? Me too, and I think …

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