He didn’t pay a lick of attention to me because my bra-less boobs jumped around like a bounce house with ten kids in it. We have new neighbors that don’t communicate to my liking. I prefer beers in the driveway, sometimes in the middle of the street, complaining about the …


There were four of us in the office when it happened. We worked for a glass company and if you haven’t guessed by now, the front of the building was large plates of…you guessed it…glass. The glass door from the lobby to the office had a sensor, in that, you …


He stood just beyond the line where the lake water meets the sand. A wire he casually strode past without a second thought of the wild life swimming by. Four days. He stood knee deep for four sunny days. A red solo cup passed from one hand to the other. …


For the past five years, I’ve been listening to both the national and local farm reports, which basically makes me an expert in the field. Prices go up. Prices go down. Sometimes you use your own water supply. Sometimes you let nature dowse your crops with heavenly goodness. It’s simple …


Does anyone remember the great bird attack of Spring 2021? It wasn’t Alfred Hitchcock style by any means. Actually, it wasn’t quite an attack, maybe more of a nursery extravaganza. If you recall, we had Evelyn the duck under the bush, a sparrow’s nest nestled in the front door wreath, …


Let me start by thanking each of you for being patient with me. My dad died last month, which I’m told is an improper statement because it makes people uncomfortable, and I haven’t been my happy, full of fun-loving writing self that explains to everyone how not to be an …


A duck, a pigeon, and a bunny walk into a bar. Wait, that’s not how it goes. Maybe more along the lines of, “a duck, a pigeon, and a bunny rented space at the RADolence residence.” My new friend Evelyn, the duck, is incubating her eggs under the pine tree …


Thought after thought invade my mind during painting projects. Between the many conversations I wished I had, or the countless conversations I wish didn’t occur, my mind races with memories and new writing projects. I’ve written best sellers, eulogies, and key note speeches all while standing on a ladder or …


There’s something I need to get off my chest because of what was on another woman’s chest at the grocery store yesterday. This already sounds like it’s going somewhere it shouldn’t, doesn’t it? To be clear, and to take those awkward ideas that seem to be swirling in your head …


One of the most ridiculous memes I recently read on social media, and there’s a lot of them, was a picture of a pizza box, with the front flap reading, “Open Box Before Eating Pizza.” Which, by the way, is a complete contrast to the coolest bumper sticker I’ve ever …

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