It’s said that eyes are a reflection to a person’s soul. That’s probably why I don’t often like looking directly at people. It’s an invasion of their privacy.

When I stare too long at a person, usually out of intrigue, they think I’m the creepy one. What they don’t realize, is that I’ve already completely analyzed them. Their intent. Their desires. Their fears. Of course, that could just be the writer in me making up a story in a matter of seconds.

I think we make rash decisions and criticize others based on the color of their irises or the size of their sockets. Don’t fight me on this one—you know it’s true. Tell you what, I’ll give some examples to prove my point.

Beware of those with dreamy eyes. I’m sure you’ve met at least one person at some point in your life with boldly bright, beautiful eyes. Upon first glance, they look like a crystal-clear lake you could swim in and relax on a warm summer day. But, be warned, that lake is more like the one Jason Voorhees drowned in. They’ll suck you into their warped world, never let you go, then blame you when things don’t go their way. Despite the warnings, I must admit, it’s hard not to gaze for long hours at a time.

There is the beady eye guy, that can also inhibit a woman. I’ve seen sad eyes, the ones that seem to absorb every emotion of anyone they encounter. There are chocolate eyes that can be eaten like a tootsie roll. The list goes on. Green witch eyes. There’s the two different color eyes, no iris eyes, and the jeepers creepers eyes. Glass eyes. Bulging eyes and sunken eyes. Kind eyes and angry eyes. Lazy eyes. Charles and Marilyn Manson eyes. I could do this all day.

Have you ever taken the time to interpret your own soul while staring at yourself in the mirror? I mean, have you really gazed for more than a quick check of your muscles, makeup, or hair? To take a full minute and look at your own reflection, wow, what a difference sixty seconds can make.

For instance, just this morning I was painting mascara on my right set of lashes. If you’ve never done this, I’ll explain. First, you have to get really close to the mirror, particularly if you normally wear glasses due to poor vision. And in order to put on eye makeup, I’ll be honest, it’s trickier if you haven’t removed lenses from your face.

Anyway, I was centimeters from the mirror when something paranormal happened. Some unseen ghost bumped my arm which smashed the mascara applicator into the glass, then bounced it off with such force, the bristles poked my eyeball. I cried for a few minutes, first realizing that that ghost was soulless, and second, that the movies get fighting scenes all wrong. If you’re in a fist fight and your opponent pokes your eye, you’re not punching back well. You’re not going to swing away and hope you hit the other guy. No. You’re going to hold your hand over your eye socket and cry. It’s that simple.  

Hmm. I’ve seemed to stepped off track again. Let’s get back to souls dwelling in the depths of optical illusions.

When the light is just right, I sometimes catch a glimpse of my eyes in the reflection of my frameless lenses. It’s then that I stop to reflect on my own soul and what others might see when they look at me. Am I one of those souls that I’ve grouped into a particular category? Am I any different?

I don’t have all the answers. But, one thing I know for sure…never trust a creature without eyelids.

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