Like many of you, Fall is my favorite time of year.

Nature naturally makes Fall feel like I’m dancing a waltz to Tchaikovsky and singing Lenny Kravitz, all while strumming John Denver folk songs. Yes, it’s that good.

The Fall season indicates a sense of change. We see the leaves changing into creative hues of multi-colored leaves—orange, yellow, red, and everything inbetween. It is the beginning of the rainbow spectrum and a start of something fantastic.

The evenings get cool and the grass builds a layer of dew just as dusk approaches.

Ahh, Nature!

This is also the time of year when the cicadas finally stop that high-pitch screeching. In case you were wondering, that wretched sound comes from the cicadas vibrating their little bodies at super galactic speeds. It’s physics and nature at its finest.

Ahh, relaxing!

The mold in the dewy grass is high, according to the Weather Channel, and there is a clear indication of the fungus leaving yellow powder on my shoes, that then gets carried into the house, and makes my sinuses hurt. The yellow moldy powder also sticks to the dog’s paws and then she starts eating her own feet off because somehow a dog is allergic to mold, like her mother.

Ahh, the beauty of nature!

There are many changes that occur indoors as well as outside. Fall cleaning, for instance, is the second time of the year, spring being the first, in which we roll up our sleeves, pull out the rubber gloves and a bucket of soapy water, and attack the summer goobers we didn’t care to think about because it was so nice outside. We wash lighting fixtures and the bulb bowls. We clean the carpets to get that sticky yellow powder out of our sinuses. We wipe down kitchen drawers (finally found that fish-flipper stuck in the back corner of the cabinet). We dust ceiling fan blades, door frames, and if we’re feeling wild and crazy, the microwave. We move furniture and wipe down base boards and vacuum in the corners. How the hell are there so many dust bunnies under the couch? Didn’t I just vacuum three days ago? How did one spider build that humongous web so quickly?

Ahh, cleaning!

Before we know it, the colored leaves will wither and start their descent through the cycle of the seasons. The dying foliage will fall, creating ungodly amounts of dead piles of earthly goodness, also great for the sinuses, and unless you catch the leaves as they’re falling, they’ll create more mold and disgust and stinky-ness that the dogs will roll in like a fun circus trick. The freshly perfumed dogs will then run into my Fall-cleaned home smelling of dead worms…

Yea, Fall!

At least I can finally bring my skeletons out of the closet–for Halloween, of course.  

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