Have you been feeling a bit under the weather, glum, and cranky, the last two days?

If you have, I know the reason.

You see, I have a direct point of contact with the Universe and they told me a secret so that I may share the basic reasons why you feel like you’ve just stepped in a soupy pile of dog doo while wearing flip flops…It’s all because August 1st is Lammas.

Wow! You say. Why didn’t I think of that?!! you say.

I know. I’m right there with you. I too had to travel back six months to examine, analyze, and determine why I’ve turned a few shades of blue today. Give me a moment to explain.

The Celtic calendar, like most pagan traditions, stems from the intertwining of Spirit and Nature. Imbolc, celebrated on Feb 1st-ish, is the midway point between the Winter Solstice (Dec 21) and the Spring Equinox (Mar 21). This is a time in which the land is desolate, cold, and probably frozen because that stupid Groundhog can’t figure out if it has a shadow.

Keeping in mind, that in midwinter, the land is desolate and farmers are preparing the budget and organizing the landscape for future planting, so too is our essence. We need to budget for the upcoming summer vacations, mentally strengthen our minds for reunions with the family Ugh which means our crop is based on our thoughts, actions, and messages we’re sending out to the Universe. Still with me?

Now fast forward to Lammas.

Lammas occurs at the midway point between the Summer Solstice (June 21) and the Fall Equinox (Sept 21). So, from an agricultural standpoint, farmers have tilled, planted seeds, watered and nurtured their crops during the growing season, and come Aug 1st, they determine how well the seeds have sown throughout the summer. The end product is examined for profitability shortly before harvest. Make sense?

So, from a celestial point of view, we too prepped our minds, body, and spirit in order to plant seeds in early spring. And unbeknownst to us, those thoughts, feelings, even the energy we exude will transform. Our seeds will either prosper by August, or they will fester. So, if you’re feeling like a slug, then maybe we should ask ourselves, what were we grooming back on Feb 1st?

I think the bottom line is, our thoughts and actions have consequence weather we realize or want to believe it. I mean, how are we treating others at home or work? How are we treating ourselves? Are we being kind? Positive? Taking regular bubble baths? Or do we judge, gossip, and complain?

If your thoughts were pure and genuine, then this blog is not for you. You are a source of light for wanderers to find their way home. But if you’re like me, a bit on the cranky side, well…I think we have a lot of work to do to fix the mess we’ve put ourselves in. It’s never too late to do the right thing.

So, let me suggest, on this Lammas, to pick or buy a bundle of sunflowers, read a book by the hearth, grab a barley drink with a familiar face and practice kindness. Who knows. Maybe next year we can discuss the prosperous fruits of our labor rather than our impoverishment in anger management meetings every Tuesday.  

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