The trees are about to show us how lovely it can be to let things go. [barf]

In the social media post, these words are on the forefront of a large oak tree full of red, orange, and yellow leaves with a surreal background of happiness and love.

Barf again!

First of all, who the hell do you think has to pick up all those tiny pieces of righteous beauty? That’s right, we, the home owners. And you know why we have to pick them up? Because otherwise, the leaves decompose on the lawn causing mold and stench and weird burrowing creatures. Then, my dogs find the aroma invigorating and they feel the need to roll around in slowly dying leaf disgust, all so they can keep that sweet smell to themselves. And while they are living a heavenly existence in the stench of decay, the rest of the household has to endure the putrid odors stuck to their fur.

Am I being too harsh? Maybe I should look at the stupid meme from a different perspective.

When we move from the physical action of raking up smelly, rotting leaves, to a metaphysical depiction, there’s still a bunch of concerns with this theory. Let’s say I follow the cute little advice and let all my irritations go. My leaves [issues] fall in floating intricate patterns down to the cushioned grass. For example, I rake up and bag hating my job or my geographic location or the death of some of my favorite relatives. Maybe I hate my inability to accomplish anything remarkable or my failure to complete tasks cause I got bored. Maybe some of you can add a note of confessions the stupid tree meme says you should release: low self-esteem, bad marriage, body weight, the insensitive neighbor with the twelve-foot skeleton kept up year round. You get the point.

Now, after all that shedding, my tree is bare. I’m vulnerable, naked and afraid (not the reality show). It’s getting colder out. I have no coat to protect me from the elements, otherwise known as, harsh society, tundral weather conditions, political influence, or self-esteem. I have no armor to protect me from my thoughts and my personal demons. I’m exposed and honestly, that’s a scary feeling.

Or is that the point?

When we recognize the negative and allow those bad or sad or angry feelings to drop helplessly from our trunk, or our heart, then maybe then we can pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and try again next spring—or we could just simply scroll past the meme and keep cyber stalking our once-friends. Up to you.

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