It’s time to be honest—This is no time to start working on that procrastination issue I’ve been dealing with my whole life. You see, I was born three weeks late, which means procrastination is ingrained in my DNA.

Honestly, not too much has changed in my life over the last week or so. I’m still wandering around my house, wondering what I should be doing to make a difference in the world, all while pondering various topics. For instance, What is my purpose? Does it coordinate with my passion? How do birds maintain balance while humping on a thin tree branch? The only difference now is that Work isn’t interrupting my day as I contemplate the underlining effects of human existence.

Maybe you are going through a similar situation right now. Maybe you too, have walked around the house, determining the projects you’ve been putting off for the last few years. For some of you, yes, you may actually want to vacuum under the couch. Others may have an innate desire to rip up the now crumbling grout tile in the bathroom. I’m not judging. I have my own list of things to accomplish and I’d like to share them with you today. And since you’re bored and reading this, I’m going to make the most of these words.

Here are some things that I’ve been meaning to take care of over the past few months.

I received a gift certificate for a massage at a reputable spa in town as a Christmas gift. I’ve been determined to make that appointment since January. And since I was born three weeks late and I have that inherited procrastination disease issue, well…Too late. No Massage For You!

Next on the list to save for later is the eye doctor. It’s been over a year since my last exam and the small print is getting more difficult to read. The words are shrinking and I’m to the point that I have to lift my glasses up to my forehead to read my phone. That’s embarrassing and not to mention, a fashion faux pas.

My six-month dental cleaning due next week is more than likely cancelled. And since it is not recommended to scrape plaque off your own teeth, I can only hope there’s still mouth wash left on the grocery store shelf.

Prior to the isolation booth contest the governing agencies created, I had been working on my resume, ready to step into the work world with renewed ambition and excitement. Guess I’ll just go back to wandering around the house and contemplating the underlining effects of human existence again; except this time around, I am determined to accomplish something. Here are a few ideas. Feel free to steal them.

I have what’s called a Creative Room. This room is a bedroom that I’ve mutated into a thinking work space. Each wall is a different color (yes, really). Hand written thoughts are taped to the walls with no symmetry. Oh, and most important, there are piles of papers and books everywhere. Even as I sit at my desk and type this blog, one of the file cabinet drawers to the right of me, is hanging open. (My non-diagnosed OCD wife loves this room!) Minus the sarcasm, I was thinking about cleaning and organizing this space while on lockdown…On second thought…

Let’s move to the next item on my Things To Do list.

My charcoal drawing skills could use some improvement; basically, because I’ve never tried it. Maybe while I’m working on my drawing skills, I could practice painting murals or learn calligraphy. There is always the classic sewing or crocheting techniques I’ve been meaning to attempt. How about underwater basket weaving or submarine watching? Don’t teenagers enjoy such shenanigans? Since I’ve already purchased all materials to replace the backsplash in the kitchen, maybe I could actually complete this project before the social ban is lifted.

Regardless of how particularly awesome I am at procrastination, I can honestly say that my cabinet knobs and door handles have never been this clean.

I want to send a huge shout out to those whose professions are keeping this world turning. Thank you for making a difference.

Stay healthy friends. 


  1. Hysterical of course, because I saw myself in so many lines. Dave is also not diagnosed OCD hmmm, similar mates. My favorite line “For instance, What is my purpose? Does it coordinate with my passion? How do birds maintain balance while humping on a thin tree branch?” Today Dave insist I do a clean up with him outside, I reluctantly joined and said, “If I do this, I want you to come in and do what I do…write something…anything!” He bristled and I said, I don’t think that you value at all what I’m trying to do…this morning I wrote 3 letters…very important to stay in communication….don’t you think?’ Much later he said, “You raked, you did grout, I’ll do it.” This …though it took a long time felt good. And after all he is a writer and poet, extraordinare but also a person who sees immediate results like raking a path and cleaning a room. He doesn’t appreciate revision like we do. Love you Rebecca….not get on with that resume and that next story…Okay? XO

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