Today marks a special event. It is a combination of a new moon in N. America and a solar eclipse in S. America. Fun!

So, what the heck does that mean?

The astrologists’ professional opinion is that the new moon is in Cancer. And guess what? Yep, I’m a Cancer and due to my astrological birth sign, I can’t stop thinking about the puzzle pieces and how the cosmos relate to me. If you haven’t learned yet, yes, it is all about me right now.

The smart people of this profession say that change is on the horizon, and apparently not in the normal, OMG, what the heck is happening that I feel crazy, sense of change. It’s supposed to be a time in which your path will soon be seen. Maybe from the heavens even. Who knows?

 Here’s what I do know. I’ve been asking my angels, or someone else’s angels, mythical gods and goddesses, really anyone who has some kind of Universal pull, for help. I’ve lost my path and my GPS broke.

I think some people feel as though they are standing in the middle of a crop circle, where the stalks are so high that they can’t see beyond a few feet. This, I would think, makes them question the chosen path because they can’t see where it’s leading.

I, however, feel like I’m standing in the middle of an open prairie and no matter where I walk or look, the vision of the wild weeds and yellow sunflowers goes on for further than the eye can see. And no matter where I walk, a path becomes visible, as though it’s meant for me.

With this new information, you may say, “What the heck is your problem, Rebecca. You have options.” But like my disgruntled feelings about being told by my parents as a child, “You can do whatever you want,” I’m left with the lonely and anxious feelings of having too many options. How will I ever know which path is best for me? And what if I start down that path and quickly realize that it wasn’t mine, but Karen’s. (You know, the lady who always gets blamed on Facebook.) Ultimately, yes, my options are plentiful and for the taking but there are just too many that make my head hurt.

Back to the new moon in Cancer. The celestials say that now is the time to plant the seeds. They say that the reward is not instant, that there is no automatic insight. My goodness, two rows of nose-itching apple blossoms are supposed to guide my way and create a lit road of encouragement, happiness, and love. All I need to do, according to those smart people who know more than I do about the Universe and speak to stars, tell me to choose a goal.

Ahh! Talk about pressure. Now I have to choose something to do for the rest of my life? Now? And before the moon is in retrograde and turns into blue cheese? Yes, this is scary.

Friends, I am going to let you on my secret, the one I’ve been thinking about since reading my horoscope this morning. My goal is to start writing manuscripts again. I will take the next two weeks to simply develop characters, a story, and I think, I need a plot, all completed by July 16th. Why that day, you ask? Because the All-Seeing-Eye told the visionaries of the cosmos that all seeds need to be planted by the lunar eclipse, which is on what day? You got it. The 16th. And because I have no such extraordinary talents or a powerful communication line to the heavens, I figure–why not?

Just because you believe something, doesn’t mean it’s real. And vice versa, just because you don’t believe in something, doesn’t mean it’s not real. The moral of my story today is…listen. The secrets of YOU are dancing alongside the energy waves near the cell towers. All we need to do is put your phone down, and listen.

Good luck to you all and plant those seeds.


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