I met a little human named Nova. And like her name, she is a shining star only spotted with a high-tech telescope; primarily because our human eyes may never understand the brilliant light she emits.

Nova is an artist and was recently accepted into some super-fancy high school for, as Grampa would say, artsy-fartsy, teens. (I’m merely a public-school student. Does it show?) She carries two notebooks wherever she travels. One for drawing and one for stories. In the hour and a half we spent in the restaurant, parents a toe, she drew other-worldly creatures with colored pencils, would eat a fry, then switch gears to her writing notebook and pencil a story with a good old fashioned #2. (Do you think I’m in her writings as she is within mine?) A bite of grilled cheese, then back to creatures of the unknown. Magical. The whole family, actually.

After a restful night’s sleep, a few conclusions came to me; if only I had thought of them in person. Maybe I didn’t say these words out of fear? Awkwardness upon introduction? Maybe those thoughts carried with them too many dragons to slay or personal demons to cuddle, so I’ll carry on.

Here’s what I should have said to young Nova…

Writing is an art form, like each of us, it is unique and imaginative. The best thing to do is find your thing, your groove. Your creativity is what makes you unique and stand out. Because your writing is not only your voice, but your super-power that no one can duplicate.

Teachers, coaches, parents, whomever, are each going to give you advice on the proper technique, or the traditional forms of writing, drawing, or painting based on some dead guy from the middle-ages. Learn and understand each and every one of those methods, then take those concepts and make them your own. Because there’s already been a Rembrandt, a Van Gogh, a Stephen King, JK Rowling, and that guy who masters in claymation.

I hope you never blend in or conform with the crowd. Good. Us weirdos rarely do. Stay true to the wood smoldering inside you, and in time that smoke will spark and the fire will roar. You’ll learn all this in time and that time will be a magnificent learning experience. 

All these thoughts have taken me decades to understand, not quite to the point of fathoming. It’s a process us weird, creative types must learn to accept; because in acceptance, there lies the magic.

Good luck to you, Young Super Nova.

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