I heard a Dad joke on the radio today in regards to the upcoming New Year. The joke was so bad, it made even the DJ chuckle out loud.

As we move into 2020, maybe we should work on seeing clearer in the upcoming decade.

Do you see what she was saying? The year 2020 was used as a pun for 20/20 vision. HA!

While I’m still not quite sure what the future will bring, let’s take a step back to reflect on the past year.

Many memes cross over my social media timelines every day. One in particular caught my attention in January of 2019. The suggestion was to create and fill a Gratitude Jar throughout the year. Here’s a not-so-quick summary of the concept.

First, get a container of some sort; for example, a mason jar. I’ve chosen the famous Mason jar because I have a plethora of them in my basement due to my awesome gardening skills. We’ve got good soil and who doesn’t love garlic pickles?

Second, get yourself a small sticky pad. In my case, I used the tiniest 3M pads I could find, because…well…no one talks about how they accumulate items from their cubicles. I think it’s similar to fight club.

Third, find a writing utensil. Again, let me volunteer some information. Normally, I’m a clicker-pencil kind of gal; but I’m not the only one in the household. I chose to adapt. We utilized a state-of-the-art pen with Dolence & Dolence Home Improvement stamped on the plastic. You see, my father bought everything by the case and pens were no exception.

Alright. We’ve got everything we need for the Year of Gratitude Jar. Here’s how it worked.

Throughout the year, we wrote down what we were grateful for and put it in the jar. It could have been as simple as, Grateful we made it home safe or Grateful I didn’t throw my keyboard at Isabell today. Don’t over think this. Seriously. It will make your head hurt. Trust me.

There were times over the course of the year when weeks would pass and I’d have to force myself to find goodness in something. We forced each other actually. Sometimes by the day, or the week, or the month. (I often received glaring stink-eye throughout the year.)

I look at my jar after a year of following this practice created by some unknown person lost in the internet and swirling between satellites, and think, “Thank you.”

What do you do with the jar at the end of the year? you ask. Honestly, you can do what you need to do to feel alive for this celebration. I won’t judge you if you decide to smash the whole thing against a brick wall. Regardless, here is my plan for the evening.

Actually, before I dive into my evening strategy, let me give you a quick lesson. It is believed by some cultures that Winter symbolizes darkness. They say it is a time for reflection. And in the season of soul searching, one must believe that there is a light at the end of that depressing, dark tunnel; hence the concept, from darkness, light is born.

With that being said, let me continue my explanation of the evening’s celebration. Remember, I didn’t judge you for throwing the thing against a wall, so please return the favor.

We will light a fire in the fireplace on New Year’s Eve and take turns reading each and every single piece of paper before burning it in the flames. We’ll do this because I think it’s a good for the soul to reflect on those grateful moments, even if they were few and far between. (This may come as a shocker, but I’m not always as adorable as what you might read about me.) When all is said and done, our inaugural ritual will end with the billion-bulbed ball dropping from the heavens, or at least a tall skyscraper, and we will wake up in a new decade full of opportunity and possibilities.

On a final note of the year, let me say with the upmost sincerity that I am grateful for each and every one of you, my fine reader friends. With your comments, shares, and subscriptions, you have helped me to feel whole this year. And for this, I am grateful.

May each and every one of you allow your light to shine brighter than it ever has before. I hope you find your 20/20 vision, even if you require lenses.  

Happy New Year!


  1. Emily Tindill

    Thanks for a wonderful post, Rebecca. I think that’s a wonderful suggestion and I’m going to do my best to try it also. I didn’t catch the 2020 jab until you actually pointed it out. On the morning talk shows- they show a pic of Barbara Walters saying This is 20/20…………then all the talk show hosts try to mimic her. Time Pasts too Fast – Your post is a reminder for all of us to look for the good in life. Well Done!

  2. Nancy Hatcher

    OOOH, how I loved this post and think this is such a good plan. I can’t wait to hear how the results made both of you feel. Pretty sure Ann Voscamp wrote the book 1000 gifts and this has sure taken off. Some of my favorite lines: “We’ve got good soil and who doesn’t love garlic pickles?” (it made me hungry) , “When all is said and done, our inaugural ritual will end with the billion-bulbed ball dropping from the heavens, or at least a tall skyscraper, and we will wake up in a new decade full of opportunity and possibilities.”you have helped me to feel whole this year. And for this, I am grateful.”

    HAPPY 20/20 VISION THIS YEAR, REBECCA. Hopefully, your great ideas will continue to come fast and furious. XO nanc

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