She won’t let me shave the damn dog.

I know I’m supposed to be grateful and all that crap for all the loveliness of our new home. Lots of land. Lots of deer. Lots of quiet…well, I say Bah. Call me Scrooge.

This had been the first time in all of our states and all of our home purchases that we were able to have some work done before our personal items arrived. You know, as supposed to fighting the sofa to paint there, then moving the mattress to paint there. Ugh! We had twelve days between signing on the house and the delivery of our things. It was a tight window; but, of course, yours truly is so awesome, I made it happen.

Day one was the cleaning ladies. Yes. This was absolutely the most important service needed and completed in the new house. Totally worth it. Even the dogs didn’t want to step paw into the bathrooms. And don’t even get me started on the refrigerator. Barf!

Day two was the delivery of the washer and dryer. No one wants to wash their clothes in someone else’s dirt. I know, I lived in community living for three months.

Day three started with the painters, a lot of electrical work, and new toilets. And finally, two days before our furniture and plenty of other things we don’t need got delivered, we had that nasty carpet removed and a wood floor installed.

Now, you might be asking, then why are you bitching?

It’s the dog hair.

Every day, tumbleweeds of blonde dog hair roll by. Whether I’m in the kitchen, the living room, a bedroom, it doesn’t matter, hair balls are a rollin’. I made up lyrics with guitar chords and everything. Maybe I’ll play it for you later. Anyway, the fallen hair balls gather under the beds and behind dressers. It gets stuck on the return vents and clumps in corners. I’m vacuuming three times a week and Swifter-ing on the off days. Why isn’t this dog bald yet?

They said we need to watch for mice; so, I gathered a day’s worth of tumbleweed and placed it on the outside of all the basement windows. The predator’s fur balls will either deter the mice from entering, or the little rodents will find Coda’s bundle of joy, warm and wonderful and make a nest with it. Only winter will tell.

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