Painters need paint. Politicians need crowds. A swordsman needs a sword. Blacksmiths need fire. A writer needs a pencil.

After my return from vacation, I was going to give you insight into my ridiculous California friends and how I feel like I’m in a movie whenever we’re together. It was going to be funny; except, it wasn’t. When I fired up the laptop to tell my story, my computer was one big blank slate.

The humor of the story sprinted away. Replaced by tears. All my work disappeared, as though it drank a magic potion while I was gone in hopes that a new fantastical world might emerge from its software. Instead, Joliet gained consciousness, only to learn her true love was gone.

There’s no such things as coincidences. Everything happens for a reason.

Change is inevitable. You can fight all you’d like, but you will lose that battle. Change will happen whether you want it or not. The signs are all around you. If you choose not to heed the warning of this inevitable occurrence, then Change will make it for you…hence, my blank slate.

(I want to apologize in advance to the author and the book title I can’t remember. The previous thoughts are mere paraphrases from someone else…)

Based on that notion, what if the Universe is telling me my stories are irrelevant, that they are an unnecessary part of reality. To give up this delusion of a dream. Isn’t this the way of things? When things don’t go exactly as we had planned, we question our role in the world and wonder if our persistence is even worth the trouble?

There is the possibility The Universe is telling me to start something new and fresh. To rid myself of the ways of old and move in a different direction. But the foundation of that theory still eludes me.

In the meantime, until I figure all this out, I’ve decided to take up professional kite flying. If you need to find me, I’ll be at the beach with a margarita in one hand and a piece of string in the other.

*Everyone needs positive reinforcement; so, if you have anything you’d like to offer or tell me, please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email @ radolence@yahoo.com My ears are open.


  1. Amy

    You know that kite is going to hit you in the head and spark a sudden idea for something new and fantastic to fill that hard drive until you are reunited with your lost files. Fly high and keep those fingers on the keyboard! (or on that pencil if you are not putting your trust into electronics right now 🙂

  2. Ted

    It happens, and it isn’t fun. But don’t take it as an omen you need to do something different. Do something different, only if you’re bored! Ind be careful flying a kite! They are now shooting down everything in the sky! 😉 Keep doing your passion!

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