I met a little human named Nova. And like her name, she is a shining star only spotted with a high-tech telescope; primarily because our human eyes may never understand the brilliant light she emits. Nova is an artist and was recently accepted into some super-fancy high school for, as …


Did you hear? David lost his job. That’s only because Josie thinks he’s off his meds again. Did you hear the crazy lady screaming profanity at some guy for trying to kick her dog? He probably deserved it. Don’t say anything, but that dog lady is crazy. I wouldn’t screw …


Have you been feeling a bit under the weather, glum, and cranky, the last two days? If you have, I know the reason. You see, I have a direct point of contact with the Universe and they told me a secret so that I may share the basic reasons why …


I met a dude named Dimerson. Okay, I know this sounds like this first line should delve into a dirty limerick, but can we be adults for a moment? Passer-byers had told me on our way out of the Midwest that Northeasterners are a bunch of angry, tough people that …


This is all happening for a reason. I keep telling myself. It’s all part of a master plan. Except, I don’t know who or what created the plan. Everything’s going to be okay. In our past moves, we just knew that we were heading down a path excavated just for …


If only I could bang my head against a brick wall. But is this wall similar to the one in Divergent? A sturdy border that keeps the obliterated world out of harm’s reach while creating a pseudo feeling of a peaceful village…that is until reality is recognized? I want to …


Find your passion, then learn how to make money doing it. This isn’t the first time you’ve heard me say this, but I feel this phrase needs reiteration. It’s no secret that people have come and still enter this fine country because we have this crazy democracy which implies that …


I thought my Abby was dying. She didn’t, but it was a rough thirty-six hours. Between the blood oozing, sometimes squirting, out of orifices and the water vomiting, I’m not going to lie, I was freaked out. My beige carpet looked like a new leopard skin patterned rug and there …


While I was partying like it was 1999, drinking frozen daquiris, and basking in the warm Florida sun, a demon escaped from its volcanic-rock prison in Japan around the 5th of March. Don’t take my word for it, use your search engine and type the key words—Killing Stone. Now, you …

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